Angel (Ultimate)
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Angel (Ultimate) Comics

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #24
HELLFIRE AND BRIMSTONE PART 4 Cyclops and Wolverine do battle with a hyper-intelligent zombie-making super computer! Plus, Kitty Pryde discovers a new use for her powers!

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #25
HELLFIRE AND BRIMSTONE PART 5 The Hellfire Club extends an invitation for the X-Men to join them in celebration. Little do the heroes know that a dark plan has been in the works for years and is about to come to fruition!

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #40
NEW MUTANTS PART 1 The debut of Ultimate Angel is here! Warren Worthington III enters the fray and the Ultimate X-Men grow by one!

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #61
MAGNETIC NORTH PART 1 When teenage mutant Lorna Dane accidentally commits a horrific crime, will the X-Men protect her, or leave her to the fury of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #63
MAGNETIC NORTH PART 3 It's mutant against mutant-brother against brother-as Cyclops and his X-Men risk their lives to take down the young man known as Havok, who has unwittingly become a pawn in Magneto's deadly game.

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #64
MAGNETIC NORTH PART 4 It's all-out war inside the Triskelion, as multiple factions of mutants battle against Captain America and his teammates. At stake-the final fate of the master of magnetism-Magneto!

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #65
MAGNETIC NORTH PART 5 In a story that pits brother against brother, friend against friend, it's Magneto versus the X-Men in final battle-inside the Ultimates headquarters, the Triskelion!

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #69
PHOENIX PART 1 Magician is adjusting quickly and making new friends fast. But there is something deeply sinister about the newcomer...something only young Kitty Pryde notices. And is Jean Grey really the cosmic entity called Phoenix?

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #70
PHOENIX PART 2 Magician and Cyclops find themselves face-to-face with The Blob and his buddy Toad! Will the fledgling X-Man have what it takes? Meanwhile, the quest to learn what is really happening with Jean Grey takes a totally unexpected turn.

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #86
SENTINELS PART 3 The men pulling the strings are finally revealed. Also in this issue, Cable reveals a dark secret to Charles Xavier.

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #91
All hail Apocalypse! Last issue saw Sinister squirm from the grave-and now the evolutionary emperor known as Apocalypse has arrived! Superstarr artist Salvador Larroca continues his run here - as the threat to the X-Men kicks into overdrive! <br>Rated T+...$2.99 <br>

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #93
Has Apocalypse triumphed? If so, there is only one force in the universe with the power to end his iron fisted reign. But it is a power of such magnitude that its slightest misuse could bring about the end of all things!

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #94
Regrouping after the battle against Apocalypse, the X-Men encounter a new adversary which seems unstoppable. To fight it, the young mutants must ask themselves: how far are they willing to go and what are they willing to take to raise their game?

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #95
What is Ultimate Alpha Flight? What do they want with Northstar? What is Colossus willing to do to get him back?

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #96
After their attack on Alpha Flight, Colossus and his team are wanted fugitives! Worse, they've become addicted to the insidious drug known as Banshee! Now it's up to the other X-Men to take them down. Yes, it's mutant vs. mutant!

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #97
Who is the true power behind Banshee? What is their connection to Wolverine and the X-Men? The answers will make the X-Men reconsider everything they've ever believed in! How can one ever be human again after being a god?

Ultimate X-Men (2001) #100
Xavier's School for Gifted Students was a sanctuary for mutants but in the wake of ULTIMATUM, it's starting to resemble a graveyard. Don't miss this groundbreaking series' final issue as the X-Men pull together to stand united against extinction!

Ultimate X-Men Annual (2005) #1
Rogue and Gambit are pulling a heist when Juggernaut comes crashing through Las Vegas looking to take Rogue away with him! Can Rogue and Gambit stop the unstoppable? Only one will survive!

Ultimate X-Men Vol. 14: Phoenix? (Trade Paperback)
After the events of MAGNETIC NORTH and their recent encounter with the master of magnetism, our heroes kick back for a night on the town with their significant others. Meanwhile, Wolverine must face a dreaded foe from the past who comes back to haunt him with unbearable secrets that have been buried for years. Plus: The mysterious mutant called Magician is plunged into the world of the X-Men, adjusting quickly and making new friends fast. But there is something deeply sinister about the newcomer. Something only young Kitty Pryde notices. Let's hope she hasn't noticed too late. Meanwhile, is Jean Grey really the cosmic entity called Phoenix? And if so...what can be done about it...? Join new ULTIMATE X-MEN writer Robert Kirkman, ULTIMATE SECRET's Tom Raney and Vigilante's Ben Oliver as they take the Ultimate Universe's favorite mutants to dazzling new heights! Collects ULTIMATE X-MEN #66-71. <br>144 PGS./Rated A ...$14.99 <br>